This month’s news :
Help us to create the first human-elephant shared forest in Saadani, Tanzania!
About hisa :
HISA is a French non-profit NGO aimed at ensuring the preservation of the environment and biodiversity. Scientists, researchers, naturalists, engineers, we are working on different projects around the world. All our projects have the same vision centered on environmental ethics. We study “man-nature” relationships and seek to find solutions so that animals and people live together harmoniously.
We place Man at the heart of this process.
Since our creation in 2011, we have sought to engage in projects where humans and animals could coexist. Saveguarding all living things taking into account human activities was our priority. In 2011, the “living with wild animals” and the engagement ended with wild animals and ecology. It is in this direction that our teams work and direct their efforts.
We created this NGO only at two! Since then, our team has grown and we have not ceased to act for the environmental cause and, at our level, for the protection of all living things. Acting for tomorrow, for a more ethical world towards each sentient being is our commitment. With your support, together we can make this possible!
The founders of HISA
We want human beings to find a “fair” place in the animal kingdom. We consider human needs but also the specific needs of nature. Thus, we harmonize our preservation actions by considering the needs of each one.
HISA has taken on the challenge to create environments that meet everyone’s needs, so that humans and wildlife can find their place in the same ecosystem. For this, we based on several concepts by making the best of each of them. Our model is inspired by nature and reinvents environments where each living being has its place.
Because nature is the best ally to better live, our solutions are based on:
- Protection of environments and ecosystems → it is essential today to conserve the natural spaces already present because they not only protect the species they shelter, but also fight against the decline in the natural habitats of wild fauna, one of the main factors causing human-animal conflicts.
- The enhancement of habitats → environments conducive to life already exist and only need a few human interventions to become autonomous and meet the needs of living things. This requires environmental remediation, spatial planning (wetlands, hedges, etc.) and the protection of agricultural areas, while promoting the installation of biodiversity.
- The conservation of species in their natural environments and the creation of sanctuaries → the protection of endangered species is one of our commitments. Because each living thing counts and contributes to the good health and the good functioning of an environment, it is essential to rehabilitate the fauna in distress.
Because HISA fights against environmental degradation in the world and participates in designing a future and environments where human beings can live in harmony with nature, all our projects revolve around 3 areas:
Reconnect to nature !
news :
Hisa Activity Report 2019
So that each individual is protected et can flourish in his environment, so that human relationships with nature stay healthy and long-lasting, we committed in 2019 and will continue to be in 2020. Our activity report details our involvement in various emergencies,...
The COFEEL project in radio !
The COFEEL project, COexistence FElins – Elevage, our first and single project in Latin America, aims at insuring a sustainable coexistence between human activities and the protection of the two big cats of French Guiana, the Jaguar and the Puma. We let you discover...
At the Bellefontaine castle in Gironde, there will be soon a new housing for barn swallows
Did you know ? Barn swallows hunt and drink while flying, this is why they prefer open-spaces. They are the best in acrobatics! Flight speed: 60 km/h on average, and until 100km/h while they chase ! At the Bellefontaine castle in Gironde, since many years, the...
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